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Revision as of 21:57, 13 March 2012 by DeBeer (talk | contribs)
Infobox on Shellac
Example of Shellac
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Lac is the resinous exudation of a species of insect. When crushed, washed and dried it is known as seedlac. Shellac is the name given to the article of commerce when manufactured into flakes. Usually shipped in bags or cases. Used in the manufacture of sealing wax, varnishes, printing inks, adhesives and cements, also in the pharmaceutical and confectionery industries.

This commodity is liable to solidify or block under changing climatic conditions or due to moisture, heat or pressure. This blocking is encourages when low grades are mixed with better qualities. Shellac of old crop will block more readily than that of new crop. Shellacv is usually shipped in a free or flaky form, but in some trades it is actually shipped in blocks. In the event of complaint of blocking, evidence should be obtained to show whether or not the shellac was shipped in a solidified condition, or has become solidified due to storage under the conditions mentioned above. Blocked lac is often erroneously considered to be damaged, but, while it may not be as attractive in appearance as free or flaky lac, blocking does not necessarily seriously damage or change the essential qualities of the lac. Normally lac is ground before use, whether it be in free or blocky state. Charges for grinding block lac are more than for free goods, therefore, when lac reached destination in a blocky state, the buyer incurs a loss to the extent of these higher charges. When making an assessment for loss, it should be remembered that blocking of lac is not natural, and that this is well known and appreciated throughout the world.

Lac is liable to damage by contact with water. This type of damage may be caused by lac remaining in water or by its being stored in damp and enclosed spaces. The extent of loss will depend upon the duration of these conditions. Water-damaged lac is discoloured, brittle, and can be crumbled without difficulty. This may be noticeable on the outer part of packages and its extent may be judged either by weighing the lac, if it is in free condition and therefore separable, or, when the lac is in blocky condition and therefore inseparable, by breaking the contents of a package and measuring the comparative good and damaged parts. The extent of loss by water damage is not easily determinable, because a great deal depends on the quality of the lac and the use to which it is to be put. High grades of lac, when water-damaged, may easily become totally unfir for the type of work for which they are intended. It is therefore suggested that, where practicable, the assistance of trade experts be sought in assessing water-damaged lac.

Full information on this product is in the process of completion.