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From Cargo Handbook - the world's largest cargo transport guidelines website
(Suggested shipping temperatures for acclimatized foliage plants to maintain quality in refrigerated containers)
(Suggested shipping temperatures for acclimatized foliage plants to maintain quality in refrigerated containers)
Line 30: Line 30:
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Aglaonema, cv. Silver Queen</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Ardisia crispa</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-13</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Aspidistra elatior</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-13</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Brassaia actinophylla</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-13</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-13</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Chamaedorea elegans</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">13-16</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Chaemaedorea seifrizii</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">13-16</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Chrysalidocarpus lutescens</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">13-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Codiaeum variegatem</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Cordyline terminalis</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Dieffenbachia picta</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Dracaena deremensis</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Dracaena fragrans</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Dracaena marginata</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">13-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">16-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Ficus benjamina</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">13-16</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">13-16</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Ficus nitida</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">13-16</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">--</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Howeia forsteriana</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">Howeia forsteriana</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-18</TD>
<TD WIDTH="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="270" VALIGN="top">10-18</TD>
Aglaonema, cv. Silver Queen
Ardisia crispa
Nephrolepis exaltata
Aspidistra elatior
Peperomia bicolor
Brassaia actinophylla
Philodendron selloum
Chamaedorea elegans
Philodendron oxycardium
Chaemaedorea seifrizii
Phoenix roebelenii
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
Pleomele reflexa
Codiaeum variegatem
Rhapis excelsa
Cordyline terminalis
Schefflera arboricola
Dieffenbachia picta
Scindapsus aureus
Spathiphyllum, Mauna Loa
Yucca elephantipes

Revision as of 10:06, 21 August 2013

Infobox on Foliage plants
Example of Foliage plants
Foliage plants.jpg
Origin -
Stowage factor (in m3/t) -
Humidity / moisture -
Ventilation -
Risk factors See text

Foliage plants

Description / Shipment / Storage / Risk factors

Foliage plants

Foliage plants are shipped long distances to supply retail markets throughout North America and Europe. Temperature control is critical to successful shipping and quality retention in the darkness of transport vehicles. The shipping environment is not conducive to maintaining foliage plant quality. Although it is difficult to generalize, the best shipping temperature is in the range of 15°C to 18°C (Table below), with 85% to 90% RH. Temperatures of 10°C to 13°C are the lowest that should be considered for shipping, and even at this range some chilling injury may occur with some plants. Lower than recommended temperatures for many plants will cause chilling injury. This leads to wilting and yellowing of the leaves. Higher than recommended temperatures will increase the amount of ethylene produced by the plant while lower humidities will dry out the plants. An air temperature recorder should be placed in every load to monitor the transit temperature.

Foliage plants should be acclimatised by growers prior to shipment. Acclimatisation is the process of making plants more tolerant to environmental changes during or after shipment. Growers acclimatise plants using lower fertilizer levels and temperatures, and/or reduced light and water during the last 2 to 4 weeks before shipment. Acclimatised plants are better adapted to dark storage in transit and reduced light in stores than non-acclimatised plants. Requirements and length of shipping tolerated vary due to the wide diversity of foliage plants. Shipping temperatures have been identified for some acclimatized plants in temperature-controlled containers. These guidelines are based on simulated shipping tests in darkness.

In simulated shipping tests at 10°C, 13°C, 16°C and 19°C for 1 to 4 weeks in the dark, Schefflera arboricola shipped best at 19°C, Ficus benjamina at 10°C or 13°C, and Dracaena marginata equally well at 13°C, 16°C and 19°C. These plants withstood shipment for 3 weeks without significant loss of quality and for 4 weeks at some temperatures without severe quality reduction. Shefflera plants recovered from dark storage within 17 days after transfer to light. Ficus plants are damaged by holding at 4°C for 6 or more days. Similar chilling injury can occur on many foliage plants at temperatures drop to 7°C for long periods, or to 2°C to 5°C for even short periods. Although a day at 5°C may not damage most foliage plants, severe damage can occur when plants are subjected to cool temperatures over 3 to 5 day transit time. Coleus is very cold sensitive. Dracaena sanderana and Spathiphyllum clevelandii are severely injured after 1 day at 2°C and slightly after 1 day at 10°C. Aglaonema is very intolerant of temperatures <10°C. Exposure to 4,4°C for 2 days causes severe damage to Scindapsus pictus and Maranta leuconeura. Fittonia verschaffeitii is severely damaged within 8 hours at 2°C.

Foliage plants should be turned over rapidly in marketing and should never be over-ordered. Plants should not be stored in back rooms for extended periods or in severe drafts of heat or cold. Foliage plants should not be transported with fruits, vegetables, or cut flowers, most of which emit ethylene and are shipped at low temperatures. Plants such as Scheffleras, Crassulas, Fittonias, and Ficuses are very sensitive to ethylene at a level as high as 5 ppm.

Suggested shipping temperatures for acclimatized foliage plants to maintain quality in refrigerated containers

Plant name 1 - 15 days shipment °C 16 - 30 days shipment °C2
Aglaonema, cv. Fransher 13-16 16-18
Aglaonema, cv. Silver Queen 16-18 16-18
Ardisia crispa 10-13 --
Aspidistra elatior 10-13 --
Brassaia actinophylla 10-13 10-13
Chamaedorea elegans 13-16 --
Chaemaedorea seifrizii 13-16 --
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 13-18 16-18
Codiaeum variegatem 16-18 16-18
Cordyline terminalis 16-18 --
Dieffenbachia picta 16-18 --
Dracaena deremensis 16-18 --
Dracaena fragrans 16-18 --
Dracaena marginata 13-18 16-18
Ficus benjamina 13-16 13-16
Ficus nitida 13-16 --
Howeia forsteriana 10-18 10-18
Howeia forsteriana 10-18 10-18

Nephrolepis exaltata Peperomia bicolor Philodendron selloum Philodendron oxycardium Phoenix roebelenii Pleomele reflexa Rhapis excelsa Schefflera arboricola Scindapsus aureus Spathiphyllum, Mauna Loa Yucca elephantipes