
From Cargo Handbook - the world's largest cargo transport guidelines website
Infobox on Lentils
Example of Lentils
Origin Primarily coming from Canada, India, Turkey and the United States
Stowage factor (in m3/t) 1,42 m3/t (bags)
Humidity / moisture
  • Relative humidity: 65%
  • Water content: 10 - 13%
  • Maximum equilibrium moisture content: 65%
Ventilation Stow in a ventilated space
Risk factors See text


Description / Application

The lentil is an edible pulse/bean. It is a bushy annual plant of the legume family, grown for its lens-shaped seeds. It is about 40 centimetres tall and the seeds grow in pods, usually with two seeds in each.

Lentil soup refers to a variety of vegetarian and meat soups made with lentils. The soup may consist of green, brown, red, yellow or black lentils, with or without the husk. Dehulled yellow and red lentils disintegrate in cooking, making a thick soup.

Lentil colours range from yellow to red-orange to green, brown and black. Lentils also vary in size , and are sold in many forms, with or without the skins, whole or split.

Shipment / Storage / Risk factors

Subject to loss in weight by drying out or by infestation by weevils. Liable to heat through humidity. Should be well ventilated. Where ventilation is inadequate, especially at water contents > 15%, heat and moisture result in a tendency towards self-heating and rapid germination during extended voyages. Excessive moisture will cause mould and heating, lentils then becoming inedible.

Dried lentils have a storage life of approx. 1 year.